Association Reports - Explaining The Association Environment Report

What is the 'Association Environment Report'?

The environment created at sporting clubs is a key factor of player and volunteer churn at the end of each season. The value of positive and inclusive environments in community sport has been well researched and proven. Positive and inclusive environments lead to improved player, coach and volunteer retention.

The association environment report allows an association to view a summary of their environments, which can provide key actionable outcomes such as:

  • Identifying clubs doing the right thing.
    • Easily choose 'club of the year' for your association.
    • Commercialise an environment ladder (e.g. The 'Company X Environment Ladder').
    • Incentivise (e.g. top 5 clubs get x dollars worth of equipment each season).
  • Identify where your association needs to invest more time and effort with clubs that have lower environment scores.

Information for all clubs include the below:

  • Environment score averaged across all teams within the club.
  • Minimum game time average score across all teams in the club.
  • Fair game time score averaged across all teams within the club.
  • Integrity score averaged across all teams within the club.
  • Disciplinary summary score averaged across all teams in the club.

An example is provided below:

You can also easily expand a club to see a summary of all teams within that club as shown below:

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