Team Reports - Explaining Time Reports

What are the 'Time Reports' available?

Keeping track of time on the playing arena can optimise player enjoyment and also performance.

Data collected from Rookie Me Play is captured for each player in a given game and then processed in Rookie Me Hub to provide a varying level of insights for the local level community coach, right through to the high performance expert.

Time reports on Rookie Me Hub come in the following tiers:

  • Basic.
  • Advanced.
  • Expert.

What is included in each time report?

  1. Time Report - Basic

Here in figure 1, the user can view data for percentage match time (PMT), with the 'Off' column referring to the total time off the field, irrespective of bench time, injury time, etc.

  1. Time Report - Advanced

Here in figure 2, the user can view more extensive data for percentage game time (PGT), percentage match time (PMT), time spent in each off-field bucket, as well as each zone of the field (Forward, Midfield and Defence, where appropriate, for the given sport).

Note the additional functionality, labelled in Figure 2 as 'NO TARGET', where a user can use a slider to see whether a player achieved x percentage game time.

Hiding empty columns and being able to change views of total and average per game, as well as percentage and time in hours, minutes and seconds, is also available.

  1. Time Report - Expert

Here in figure 3, the user can view the most extensive data, inclusive of all the functionality outlined in the previous reports (Basic and Advanced).

Additional data includes time in position, as well as stint counts (in brackets).

Note the additional functionality, allowing the export of data to csv file.

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