Exporting Reports

There are two areas to access reports. These include via the following:

  • Season Reports
  • The reports section for each event

Season Reports:

  1. Navigate to 'Season Reports'.

  1. Select the applicable report.

  1. Select 'Export CSV' from the given report.

Reports section for each event:

  1. Navigate to 'Events'.

  1. Select the event.

  1. Navigate to the 'Reports' tab.

  1. Select 'Generate' on the report you wish to export.

  1. Select 'Export CSV'.

  1. Open the downloaded CSV file.

We export values as total seconds to make it easier for users to create their own custom calculations as needed.

Please note: PMT (percent match time) is exported as total on field seconds, rather than the percent value. To calculate PMT, simply divide PMT by the sum of PMT, BEN (bench time), INJ (injury time), ABS (absent time), DIS (disciplinary time), OPP (opposition time) and ABS (absent time).

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