Player Thresholds

When using Player Thresholds, users can set how long they would like a player to spend on the playing arena and how long players can recover when they are on the bench. Users can apply up to three thresholds per player.

The alerts for Player Thresholds will automatically appear on the Rookie Me Play app. These thresholds will change dynamically based on the time remaining in a preset stint for a player (e.g. on the playing arena or on the bench). Read more about Player Thresholds in Rookie Me Play here.

How do I set player thresholds on Rookie Me Hub?

  1. Select the 'Players' icon in the left hand side toolbar.

  1. Select player thresholds button

  1. Select a + icon for a given player to begin.

  1. Toggle time up or down for the desired duration of time on and time off. Note you must set both a time on and a time off duration.

  • Data will automatically save for each player as you move through.
  • If you wish to clear thresholds for a player, select the cross on the right hand side of the row.
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