Team Reports - Explaining the Participation Report

The Participation report ties in data collected by Rookie Me Connect which is then easily analysed within Rookie Me Hub.

Any event (Game, Training or Other) where a user has been invited by the event owner, the response of that user is instantly displayed within the report.


Names that appear in the member list are either players or staff members. You can toggle your view for All members, Players only or Staff only.

Linked users and unlinked placeholders

Where a 'Member' has a green dot next to their name this means they are linked to a user account within the Rookie Me ecosystem, so any responses made for a given event will appear automatically here.

Where a 'Member' has a red dot next to their name this means there is no active user assigned to this person. Currently attendance / availability can only be marked by users via Rookie Me Connect.

Participation (%)

The participation percentage is dependent on the number of 'Yes' responses against the number of 'Invites' received. The percentage is also dependent on the filters that you apply to a given event. You can filter by All Events, Past Events and Future Events, as well as event types of Game, Training and Other.

Types of responses seen

Response Description

Attended / attending

Did not attend / not attending

Invited but no response
Empty An empty cell is when a player has unlinked profile so no response is possible. Link this player to Rookie Me Connect to collect attendance data.
Not invited This team member has not been invited to this event on Rookie Me Connect.

Dynamic totals for an event

At the footer of the table is a totals summary based on the filters that you have applied to easily know attendance numbers for a given event.

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