Understanding Licences For Teams

After purchasing a particular licence, explained in further detail here, there are certain amounts of information that will be presented to the user based on their set of circumstances.

  1. Standard licence view after purchase.

  1. Owner equals "Assigned to you"
    1. If you ARE a team that is assigned to a club, for example you are the Hampton Under 10s and are part of the Hampton Football Club, this means that the club owns your licence and you should reach out to your club administrator for further clarity on the licence your team possesses.
    2. If you are a team and NOT part of a wider club, for example you are Hampton Seniors, then either:
      1. The Team Owner is responsible for this licence, go to the staff section of Rookie Me Hub to view who is the owner of the team and reach out to them for further clarity.
      2. Rookie Me has assigned this licence to you (onboarding@rookieme.com). You should reach out to admin@rookieme.com for further clarity on your current licence.

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