What is Rookie Me Hub?

Rookie Me Hub is a platform for teams and sport organisations to manage their entities and view and analyse reports.

All data and reports are on Rookie Me Hub for the following users:

  • Rookie Me Play
  • Connect
  • Coach (coming soon)

To be able to use Rookie Me Hub, you must be a user of either Rookie Me Play or Connect.

Note: Coach will be available on Rookie Me Hub soon.

What Can I do on Rookie Me Hub?

There are many functions that are beneficial for a team/organisation. Users can toggle between 'Organisation' or 'Team' to access all the features of Rookie Me Hub.

Functionality Entity
Create events Teams
Edit events Teams
Delete events Teams
Import games Teams
Add staff Organisations/Teams
Delete staff Organisations/Teams
Add players Teams
Edit players Teams
Delete players Teams
Import players Teams
Export players Teams
Set up/create a team Organisations/Teams
Create reports Organisations/Teams
Create seasons Teams
Edit seasons Teams
Manage your licence Organisations/Teams
Create notes Organisations/Teams
Delete notes Organisations/Teams
View/update your settings Organisations/Teams

The data entered on Rookie Me Hub will be available on Rookie Me Play and Connect (iOS and Android) and therefore, data entered on Rookie Me Play or Connect will be available on Rookie Me Hub.

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