Team Reports - Explaining Plus Minus Reports

What is 'Plus Minus'?

Plus minus is the score differential (e.g. team score 5, opposition score 3, plus minus = +2) for when a player (or group of players) is on the playing arena. This plus minus score is typically aggregated across the course of a period, game and season, to give coaches a general understanding of player / team effectiveness during play.

How is the plus minus report produced?

The plus minus report is an 'expert' level report, which records every score collected by the user (or a third party provider) for every game completed within a given season.

The report then captures which players were on the playing arena when that score occurred.

The scores are then marked against each player, which is then aggregated over the course of the season.

The players plus minus is then provided in a few different ways for period, match and season:

  • Total plus minus, irrespective of position.
  • Positional plus minus.
  • Playing zone plus minus (e.g. forward, midfield and defence, where appropriate for the given sport).

An example is provided below:

Here in figure 1, the plus minus for an entire season is displayed for an Australian football team.

Data is viewable by total, and also by average, per game.

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